A week ago, during the market downtrend, i put up a poll on my blog. The purpose was just to know how others thinking on current market turmoil. The result showed people still have confidence on Malaysian economy.
60% voted that Malaysian economy will still be robust even after the U.S. sub-prime mortgage settle down. 20% said Malaysian economy will NOT continue its robustness while 20% said they don't know where is Malaysian economy will be heading. Well, i do not know whether the votes was influence by other sources, but i am confidence that the votes are genuine.
So, there you go. it looks like the views are inline with the Malaysian Central Bank's statement. Just as pre-caution, lets monitor U.S. Federal Reserve action for the whole month of August and the upcoming scheduled meeting. In addition to that, lets monitor Bank of Japan's decision on their Monetary Policy Meeting on 22-23 August, the day after tomorrow. Since Japan economy did not expand as expected, I opine the rate will stay. There is no OBVIOUS reason for BOJ to increase rate.

KL StockPick.
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