
KLCI Relative to World Index - Performance Chart Updates

I'm updating on Asia de-coupling from the US issue. Mid-Jan i posted an article where i watch Asia partially de-couple from the US. Well here is the updates after 15 days of disaster originated from the US particularly and the Western part generally.

Now, sub-prime issue has arrived in Asia. Japanese banks have begin to annonce their exposure and their losses. Eventually, this issue will hit worldwide. I am in the opinion that any nation that its banks do not have sub-prime exposure will emerge as a winner.

From the performance chart below, KLCI and SENSEX still hang on tight. Even though other world index were dragged down by the US, these two indexes clearly emerge as a winner, as of now. SENSEX had been hit quite hard for the past 15 days.

Now KLCI looked like to be the least hit.

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