KLCI Relative to World Index - Performance Chart Updates
Defense or Offence?
Sometimes, accident can be a good thing
KLCI is down 52 points today. Down by a gigantic negative 3.46%. It was a BIG correction, a much needed correction if it wants to climb further. I wanted to raise some cash, preparing myself for next uptrend wave. However, as normal human like you, greed took control of me. Today morning I saw MAHSING opened 5 sen lower. I thought it is a good opportunity to buy on weakness. So, I click to BUY some shares at RM2 via online. There goes my order on MAHSING today.
However, after market closed today, I checked the closing price. MAHSING closed at RM1.98. I thought, damn! I shouldn’t have bought today.
Then, my phone signaled, a text message came in. I received trading summary from my brokerage. It wrote that I’ve SOLD the shares at RM2. I was thinking, what the heck! it wrote I’ve SOLD at RM2. So, I double check my order today morning. True to the fact that today morning I’ve sold my shares at RM2. Considering it closed at RM1.98, I guess this was a ‘good’ accident that happened to me. Now, I’ve ‘accidentally’ raised cash to join the next uptrend wave.
I think sometimes, this kind of thing happen to us.
You'll notice that Sensex has already outperform every major economy in the world. It might be the best market to be in now. But surprisingly, look at how KLCI also outperforming other major markets and came out second next to India's Sensex. Therefore, Bursa Malaysia is now ranked SECOND as an interesting market to be in right now. No wonder we can see a lot of volume build-up lately.
Other markets has been brought down together with the US into their recession, which already in, proven by the unemployment which reached 5% in the recent report. Japan economy is obviously struggling to maintain their growth. So does the Nikkei. Struggling to stay above water.
While the whole Asia might not yet FULLY de-couple from the US, as the evidence showed below, we can see that part of Asia has ALREADY de-couple from the US. As for Malaysia, we need to MAINTAIN (NOT OVER-SPEND) our Domestic Demand/Spending. The domestic engine will bring us out of this slump.
P/S: See my article below on How Malaysian Politician can make changes for the better.

Making Malaysian Politician more valuable
I was reading about ‘Malaysia can sustain US Recession’ in one of Malaysia Business newspaper today afternoon. They were talking about US Recession and Malaysia is not going to follow the same path (recession) due to strong domestic demand which can ‘offset’ slow Electrical & Electronics (E & E) growth due to less American buying Malaysia’s E & E products.
Then, a light bulb suddenly appeared in my head. Why not educate Malaysian public about the concept of How Domestic Demand can make the public retain their job, their home, their car and ultimately, worst case, their family. When I mentioned Malaysian public, it includes the aunties & uncles in the rural area. In this case, I assumed Malaysian living in urban area understand how domestic demand can offset our slow export to the US (Even I believe only about 30-40% of urban Malaysian understand this). If there are politicians or ministers who think they can change the way Malaysian thinking, I'd like to invite them doing this. Of course, they have to understand how the mechanism works first. If not, it will not serve the purpose. They'll become laughing stock. This is the time where our politicians can show their value to the public. If they succeed, it is a huge boost to their political influence as well as our country’s economy. Give it a shot. After all, you are a politician. You should use your given talent. Since the election also closing in, I suggest they do it quickly. Else, they might loose their votes.
If those politicians are reluctant to do that, probably due to the subject is too heavy for rural people, I suppose we have to urge the government to perform their social obligation. I suggest the ‘low-profile’ Information Minister to start the project. If not, people will see that you are not doing your job as Information Minister. At least, I do. By educating public on financial knowledge like this, we can have bigger impact to weather our slow export growth. You are allowed to imagine yourself. After all, the Information Minister is also it a politician himself.
While this initiative is to educate people on How Domestic Demand can help Malaysia divert from a slowdown path, I hope in the future, there will be more plans to educate Malaysian public on Financial Literacy.
I know that some of us might think if we focus too much on ‘money’, it is kind of evil thoughts (especially to the elderly), I opine that money might be no. 2 in our life after HAPPYNESS (the spelling is like that on purpose. Adopting from In The Pursuit of Happyness). However, it is as important as THE OXYGEN that we breathe everyday.
Based on the price action, i think property sector has just started its uptrend. It might weaken when KLCI take a breather, but i suppose it will hold. Volume has just started to turn around.
TECHNOLOGY? If you are holding any of them, please unload. It is trending south. Deep south.
Happy Investing!
Three main currencies that bringing money into Malaysia in year 2008

2 Jan 2008 Stock Watch
- ready to enter at 2.71. ideal entry at 2.70. Stop Loss 2.64
- ready to enter at 2.70. ideal entry at 2.62. Stop Loss 2.50
- ready to enter at 1.00. ideal entry at 0.99. Stop Loss 0.945. This stock is struggling to decide on its take-off to the sky. Watch out closely.
- buy more at lower price.
- watch if it can close abv 0.385.
- looked like it's going to test its 60days high at 2.99
Uptrend Stocks under weakness
Tchong (looks like its gonna end its uptrend...)