As of yesterday's closing, only 3 sectors are showing improvement. Consumer (strongest), Industrial Products (strong), Plantations (weak) & Technology (weakest).
Consumer grow the strongest, in current market condition. Probably supported by F&N and NESTLE.
Ind-Prod also showed strong interest to grow. By watching these group of stocks, KNM, SHELL LIONIND, KINSTEL & LINGUI, i'm quote confident that this sector will expand more.
Plantations had quite a good run about half-year ago when CPO spot price climbed up to RM4,000/tonnes. Now the price has come down to the average RM3,000/ton. So it cool down a bit. Bio-diesel will also become viable at this price.
Technology, surprise, surprise. It has just started to show some signs that this sector might started to expand. Contribution to Tech indices control by MPI, Gpacket, Unisem.