A Trip for Retirement Planning
Actually, the son of that friend of mine was admitted to Taiping Hospital (a government sponsored hospital) due to high fever. His son's condition was quite serious until the doctor has to take a sample of spine fluid. He was worried about the bill that the hospital going to issued to him.
Soon after he discovered the amount billed to him, he called me up and asked me to guess what is the amount billed to him. I said, RM150 (after due consideration of his son's condition and comparatively if he'd have visited a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur).
Then he was laughing and replied, 'it was just RM36!!'. He said he couldn't believe it.
Immediately, a light bulb appear in my mind that, it might be good if i consider to buy a piece of 'sizeable' land (for me it is about 2-5 acres) to build my Dream House from scratch. Since the medical bill is very low, cost of living is low and as long as i have my satellite TV and broadband service for me to trade.
There goes the background of my trip to Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.
We arrive in Taiping at 9.45pm yesterday. It was quite easy to find our 'motel', Kamalodge, by using my Garmin Nuvi GPS Car Navigation System. The motel located just about 2km from Taiping town and about 500m from Maxwell Hill (Bukit Larut). The motel is quite new, being open early this year by a prominent contractor in Taiping. Our arrival at the motel was greeted by an 'alien' (said my wife) bug, which we never see in KL. It looked like a hybrid between a bug and a bat.
Then, today morning, we planned to visit a place recommended by THE friend of mine (which sent his son to Taiping Hospital) named Kampung Jana (Jana Village). He said that during morning time, at about 9am, we can see a foggy morning with a bit cooler temperature (22-24 degree centigrade) than average Malaysia's temperature. We went there but we couldnt find the fog, cooler temperature and a sizeable piece of land. Then, since we couldn't find it, we planned to visit rich people area (as what i always do if i visit a new area).
We noticed on the way to Kampung Jana, we saw a stretch of abandon government bungalows with a quite big land area (about 1 acre land with an abandon wooden bungalow). We decided to explore the area more. The place name is Jalan Hang Jebat Off Jalan Simpang. Then, we explore an area named Taman Lake View (Lake View Park). We saw a lot of big bungalow units and some new bungalows under construction. Decisively, that area is indeed a rich people area after we asked local people on rich people area.
However, we didn't find any sizeable plot of land which we can make quiries on. However, if some of the abandon government bungalow area can be purchased, it would make quite a good location in Taiping due to its strategic main road frontage.
After that we went to explore a bit of Taiping town. I noticed Taiping is really a retiree's town. Wherever we see, we see old people (age 40+). There comes an idea to me that if we can woo lots of rich people to build their bungalow in Taiping, we can have a town with high purchasing power. Well, that is all about Taiping.
Then, on my wife's suggestion, we went to Kuala Kangsar, the royal town of Perak state. We went to see Bukit Chandan Palace (a very grande and beautiful palace). After that heading to a place for Laksa & Chendol (famous in Kuala Kangsar) as our lunch and head back to Kuala Lumpur.
31 Dec Stock Watch
- ready to enter at 1.36. ideal entry at 1.34. Stop Loss 1.22
- ready to enter at 1.21. ideal entry at 1.16. Stop Loss 1.07
- ready to enter at 1.44. ideal entry at 1.43. Stop Loss 1.37
- ready to enter on weakness at 1.51 or breakout of 1.58
- Watch if it closes abv 2.62.
- Watch if it closes abv 2.70.
- Watch if it closes abv 2.55.
I want to achieve millionaire status in 2008. There is no reason for me not to achieve this target.
My vehicle to achieve the above target will be via stock trading and property trading.
To maintain the status, at the end of 2008, i would have to maintain a few rental properties which provide my monthly expenses.
My savings will be the extra pocket money to go on family holiday for the full year.
Wish me luck for my 2008 resolution.
28 Dec Stock Watch
Ijmplnt - ready to enter at 3.12 or lower. Stop loss 3.02
Dataprp - ready to enter at 0.54. Better entry at 0.525. Stop Loss 0.48
Cepat - ready to enter at 1.41. Better at 1.37. Stop Loss 1.30.
Masteel - ready to enter at 1.65. Better at 1.63. Stop Loss 1.57.
PLB - ready to enter at 1.57. Better at 1.56. Stop Loss 1.42.
E&O - ready to enter at 2.67. Better at 2.60. Stop Loss 2.43.
Dijacor - ready to enter at 1.46. Better at 1.43. Stop Loss 1.37.
Buying on Rebound of Uptrending Stocks.
Ytlpowr - Watch if it closes abv 2.62.
Picorp - Watch if close abv 2.94
Ftec - Watch close abv 0.37
27 Dec Stock Watch
26 Dec Monitoring List
Possible Entry: 0.99 or lower
Imm Support: 0.955
Possible Entry: 1.10 or lower
Imm Support: 1.03
Possible Entry: 1.23 or lower
Imm Support: 1.16
Possible Entry: 3.00 or lower
Imm Support: 2.90
Possible Entry: 0.37 or lower
Imm Support: 0.35
Possible Entry: 1.40
Imm Support: 1.36
Possible Entry: 2.64 or lower
Imm Support: 2.54
Since the Dollar is sliding, why not send your children to study in the US?
We know there are lots of good universities over there. Before 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, Malaysian Government used to send many Malaysian to the US, UK and Australia. During the time, Ringgit was trading at around RM2.50/USD1. Affordable. In 1998, Ringgit was peg at RM 3.80/USD1, a 52% increase in cost per student if they were studying in the US. It became painful to maintain sending students to study overseas.
Now, in 2007, Ringgit is trading at the highest level post de-peg, at RM3.31/USD1, and we are expecting the Dollar to continue slide. If you send your child to study in the US after this year SPM, that means they’ll be in US until 2013 to complete a degree course. Maybe Malaysian government can consider this as well.
In related to that, Malaysian Government might also expect Malaysian Citizen working in the US to come back to Malaysia, if they don’t migrate to some other EU countries. Rather than letting them to go to EU countries, might as well the government innovate an incentive scheme to attract them back to home.
To Malaysian Government, please consider something better for your people.
BONIA is a park under Consumer Products. It designs and markets garment and shoe products. All quarters have been profitable for the last 2 years. It has nothing to do with US’s crisis at all.
NPC is a plantation company. Same as Bonia, all quarters are profitable for the last 2 years. This stock is a commodity play which we could see its share price trailing the oil price.
Happy Investing.
Guess what? I saw this name, ‘China Investment Capital Ltd.’ In the list of new acquirer of Golden Plus’s shares. 8,000,000 shares. That was the number that the company acquired on 12 November 2008.
I’ve checked on Wiki the name of various Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF). However, it stated that PR China’s SWF is ‘China Investment Company Ltd.’. The word Capital and Company is different.
So, who is ‘China Investment Capital Ltd.’. Are they the same party? Or is it a proxy company that acquired 8mil shares on 12 November.
If the PR China is the one who is acquiring GPLUS share, definitely they know something that we don’t.
GPLUS just back to black in the last quarter, with a bang. The revenue improved, GPLUS returned to black.
What say you?
So, during the meeting, when those two countries complaint, Saudi Arabia, the Big Brother and the closest allies to the US, totally rejected the idea. (I couldn’t understand why Saudi Arabia straight away rejected it, other than this country is the US political closest ally). Well, if my country is one of the biggest producers, I would also propose to change the oil trade currency. Why not? The dollar currency is depreciating in value!
This is, actually, just a simple supply-demand relationship. It takes two to tango right? Therefore, when one party proposes, the other party got to agree. When Iran and Venezuela proposed, other countries got to agree. What happened was Saudi Arabia immediately and totally disagrees. Acting as proxy to the US and protecting the US. What for?
So, apart from the US, other ‘consumer’ countries those demanding significantly huge volumes of crude oil are Japan, China, India and the EU. Therefore, definitely other currencies those suitable for oil trading are Yen, Yuan, Rupees and Euro. All four currencies can be use to trade oil. Rules can be changed. If Japan, China, India and the EU agreed to trade in their respective currency, deal done. For other countries, apart from those four big nations, they can choose to trade in either the producer’s currency or the importer’s currency. Or, there is another solution. Any countries that closest (geographically) to one of the four nations, trade in currency nearer to them. How about that? Would you, the leaders consider this idea? Why not?
To Trade Palm Oil in US Dollar ?? Which school did to go ?
Recently Bursa announced a plan to trade Palm Oil Futures in US Dollar currency. Don’t they understand the implication?
While during the OPEC meeting 2 member countries has express their strong opinion not to trade their crude oil in US Dollar, we, Malaysia plans to trade palm oil in Dollar. I assume readers of this blog know the latest development of dollars. If we start to trade in dollar, immediately our palm oil will be de-valued. Let’s take for example we are trading at RM 3000/tonne now. That is equivalent to about USD1000/tonne (let say exchange rate is USD1 : RM3). Let say in the future, the dollar continue to sink and the RM exchange rate improve to USD1 : RM2.8, then, when we sell 1 tonne of palm oil we can only sell with RM 2800 only. To get RM 3000, we have to produce more of palm oil. This is not a smart move for a person who leads our Bursa, don’t you think? What are they thinking? Or rather, how can they think like that?
Our plantation companies have to squeeze for palm oil to meet the demand. Even right now we are struggling to produce more.
The solution is very simple. We just have to keep selling in RM. It works well so far. We have an improve volume trading in our Bursa Futures.
Now, our Bank Negara only allows Ringgit to be traded in Malaysia. In the near future (within a year time), I am sure Bank Negara will allow Ringgit to be traded off-shore.
Ringgit has to be traded off-shore. But right now, when our overall economy still struggling to grow above 6%, struggling to attract Foreign Money (FDI), we have to contain the Ringgit trade exposure.
Continue trade palm oil as it is. Remember, palm oil is our GOLDEN CROP. It is equivalent to Arab’s crude oil, African’s GOLD and diamonds and Oceania’s agricultural products. This crop is our ticket to prosperity!
The reasons are as follows;
1. America's economy is driven by debt.
Comment: Japan, China, India, Arab Nations, South Korea, Singapore and many more countries are having reserve in Dollar. Further, 3 Asia biggest economy are holding enormous amount of US debt paper.
2. American community has the largest debt in the world and every citizen generally is borrowing more than 100% of their income.
Comment: How can you survive with debt!
3. Nation of liars and bluffers. Their leader is the greatest liar ever. Their rating agencies quitely hiding sub-prime problem by rating those numerous CDO a many 'A's until it burst. And on their leader, he is lying from WMD (weapon of mass destruction) in Iraq, to the revenge of his 'senior' who lost during the Desert Storm (replace with Shock and Awe).
Comment: Conflict of interest.
4. Sinking US Dollar.
Comment: As of now, nobody seems like trying to save US Dollar from falling. What we are hearing now is Dollar is going down further. From 2 oil nations, Iran & Venezuela, suggesting to sell oil in other than Dollar currency, Arab nations propose to De-peg their currency from US Dollar (who are having their currency peg to Dollar). It is only rational to de-peg rather than watching your purchasing power depreciating with US Dollar. And it is only rational to trade oil in other currency when you watching your product goes down in price while the quality is the same. These factors are all due to weakening US Dollar.
I hope other nations will learn from this nation. Asia has learnt from Asian Financial Crisis to have adequate savings to weather their nation from currency and economic attack.
Many times already we heard people are saying that Asia is de-coupling from the US. But that activity has never been confirmed. Last week as Dow Jones Industrial, S&P 500 & Nasdaq turned below their 200 day Moving Average, this is the opportunity for Asia markets (includes Malaysian KLCI) to confirm that they’ve de-couple.
If US indexes continue their downtrend and Asia continue their uptrend, the de-coupling is confirmed. Right now, Asia markets are like waiting to break-loose, like a rubber ban, like an underground earth-quake that causes Tsunami.
While this event has yet to happen, let’s wait until mid-December 2007 whereby this event can become a reality.
Next question that we should ask, when US is falling who’ll be the leader that other small markets, like Malaysia, will follow. I guess many will say either Hong Kong or Shanghai.
But these two markets are over-stretch, how?
India Sensex? Well this market is not so reflective to India’s economy, which can also be the next big consumer market. Top 20-30 companies in Sensex already covers about 80% of its market-cap. That is the reason.
So, which market will?
This one very idea came across my mind when i was thinking why Gulf Investor invest in a company engages in the research and development, design of battery management systems for rechargeable energy storage solutions.
My idea is that, Khazanah, as major shareholder in PROTON, request PROTON to strongly tie-up with ETITECH, the battery research house.As we all know, PROTON is very much bleeding now. Though their 're-born baby' (since they've had SAGA as their 'baby' about 20 years ago)PERSONA sales performance maybe on the uptrend, PROTON has to be prepared for the future, if their management is thinking long-term, more than 30 years down the line.
When these two companies tie-up and develop a rechargeable battery for cars, PROTON can compete in the international arena. Whilefor ETITECH, when PROTON "SUCCESSFULLY" launches a green-model which equipped with ETITECH battery, ETITECH brand name will then explode.Business will flow into both companies and it became a WIN-WIN ties.
Therefore, for ETITECH & PROTON management, what say you guys? I know PROTON is in the midst to be taken-over by an international company (VW), but Khazanah, being the largest shareholder, and Government as theowner of Khazanah can stop the National Car company from being taken over.
Khazanah people are brilliant people. So do PROTON people. I wonder why they've never propose such a tie-up before. Instead, GULF people who sees the opportunity and potential in our listed companies...
I mean, they are obviously Muslims who work in the company. Does it means that it is merely not listed under Syariah Indices. Do they have to apply to Bursa to get listed under Syariah, or Bursa has the Power to inject these companies in the indices?
These companies that came across my eyes are BSDREIT, BSTEAD. Is there anybody from Bursa care to explain?
Bare in mind that we, Malaysia, is the center of Islamic Finance. We are receiving threat from Dubai as the substitude of Islamic Finance Center.
Poll Result

The idea of 70 million Malaysian by the year 2020

Japan is a small country (land area: 374,744 sq km), a little bit bigger than the size as Malaysia (land area: 328,550 sq km). However, their population is 127,433,494 (as of July 2007) about 5.5 times more than Malaysia. When does Japan have their baby-boom? The answer is, during World War II (WWII) and after WWII. What does this have in common with other countries that have big population like China, India and United States? This baby-booming activity happened during and after war, when a country is on a very fragile and vulnerable condition. During these times, people do not have job, therefore they don’t have anything to do and they make babies. Same goes to United States during WWI and WWII. China had their baby-boom a little earlier and those earlier babies, when they grow-up, they also produce more than average number of babies. The same case goes to India.
So, what is so different when Tun proposed Malaysia to have 70 million Malaysians by the year 2020? The differences are, it was proposed during no war, thriving economy, politically stable and people living in harmony. I bet now you can see that he was proposing to have a baby-boom during good times. It is totally upside-down, 180 degrees different. See that?
When we have job, there is income to support our family. When we have income, we can opt for good facility for the wives to deliver the babies. Thus, we can improve our infant mortality rate. When our infant mortality rate is lower, there is no waste of babies (excuse me of this term) who are born every year. When we have thriving economy, we can provide good education to them. Good education leads to quality human capital. Quality human capital leads to continuous booming economy, a knowledge-based economy. You can compare that to having babies deliver during hard times like war time. High infant mortality rate, sad parents when knowing their baby has little chance to survive. Even if they survived, good food, good education cannot be provided because their country is in war. This will lead to poor human resources of that country. Then, the country will have to struggle to support their citizens. See the points?

How to make Malaysians produce a lot of Babies?
1. Make it easier to get married - parents must ease of the traditions.
In a country like Malaysia, where traditions is still being considered, parents must let their children marry easily. When parents see their child’s girl/boyfriend has a good quality characters (responsible, has a job, caring, etc) ask them to get married right-away. Traditions becoming number 2. Their children marriage is highest priority.
2. Government must make it easier to register marriage.
Right now, we have to go thru a heck of procedures to register marriage. For Malays, being the majority populations, have to go to their registered IC religious office to get some signatures, etc. This makes marriage difficult. For the Malaysian-Chinese and Malaysian-Indian, I am not so sure. Maybe the registration is easy, but the road-map until the registration is painstaking. Therefore, I would like to suggest to the government to allow couples who is ready to get married, to legally register their marriage at the chain of post-offices in Malaysia. Of course, the registrar of Malay, Malaysian-Chinese and Malaysian-Indian must be station there (new job created already). And, for couples to register, they have to bring their parents together for registration. Everybody signed the documents and wallah! one couple married. The ceremony can be prepared after that when the couple is capable to hold the ceremony. Or parents can help them make preparation. The point here is for couples to marry legally. Can you imagine how many young Malaysians will sigh relief when they hear this news from the Government?
3. Parents are not to be excessively materialistic.
In this age, not the children are the one who is materialistic, but the parents. It is understandable that the parents want the best for their children, but when it comes to ‘excessive-valuation’, it makes the child sad and blaming their parents for not accepting their future life-partner. As I said, ff the child’s girl/boyfriend is responsible, has a job and purely cares and loves for their child, ask them to get marry.
4. Incentives from Government on having many children
Now we have tax deduction per child for our personal income tax. Government can enact a new law which a family of 8 children and above will be waived of paying any personal income tax. Malaysian will be very happy to have a big family. Government does not have to worry about their source of income (due to loss of income from big families) because economy of scale by having big population will automatically support the economy. Government will be happy as well.
All of the above 4 solutions will propel Malaysia to achieve 70 million population by 2020. By simple maths, if all married couple in the range of 20-45 year old now, which is about 60% of our population (that is about 14 million people, divide by 2) 7 million couples to have 10 children per couple, we will have 70 million children age 10 by 2020. Plus existing population age 0-19 year old of about 5 million; we can have 75 million young populations by 2020. Don’t forget that by 2020 we will be a develop country.
Public Transportation Systems

Singapore MRT systems (stations) was planned first before building the surroundings residential or commercial or industrial development. Where as Kuala Lumpur did not planned the LRT Stations first, but they will put the LRT Stations wherever available places which was left undeveloped like next to river, existing road, existing rail track, etc.
Factors that Influence Commuters
These factors made LRT unpopular due to access to the stations always blocked by river, rail-track or road. In Singapore, the MRT Stations is located almost at the center of the residential development. This makes residents of the apartments or flat in Singapore do not have to walk far away to get to the station. And another method of transportation from their residents are by feeder BUSES. Their feeder buses are not FREE. Our feeder buses are not FREE too. However, since their residential developments are well-planned, their residents are using BUS to get to the Stations. Therefore, they do not sweat when travel to the nearest MRT Station. They have a lot of buses to circle their residential area and the frequencies are rapid too. Like 10 minutes per bus. By simple calculation, they just need 6 buses per hour per route. Of course this kind of rapid frequency just operate during rush hours like 7-9 am and 6-9pm. Other that that time range, they can deploy the buses to take longer route to the nearest township. Their feeder buses are sharp on time when it comes to the concern bus arrival timetable.
Now, compare that to our feeder bus service. You’ve heard that our feeder buses are not on time. They can come and pick-up the passenger whenever they want. Even we have a beautiful bus arrival timetable, it is just a timetable. The driver does not really make an effort to follow the timetable. This makes our bus commuters inefficient in managing their time. And, you’ve about people complaining about they have to change 2 buses to get to the LRT Stations or Komuter Stations too. This shows inefficiency in utilizing the resources, which is the buses. Why to they need to change 2 buses to get to LRT Stations. The buses are meant for FEEDER bus, which means the bus feed commuters to the LRT or Komuter Stations. Therefore, we should only utilized one bus per route. The second bus can find other un-service route to pick more commuters. With this kind of inefficiency, even if you offer FREE feeder bus, nobody will ride the bus. People would rather drive to go to the Stations and park their car at the parking lots. While parking lots will take a lot of space, this leads to inefficient usage of space!
While MRT coach is up to 6 coaches, our LRT coach only 2 per one time service, even during peak hours! Now, how would you expect our public transportation system is going to make money when we do not grab the opportunity during peak hour commuters? We would rather see the 2 coaches that we prepare become packed like sardines or when the coach is over-weight and derail? This is nonsense and ridiculous. Compare 2 coaches and 6 coaches, which make 3 times revenue and possibly 3 times profit (if any). Simple mathematics!
Expedite Residential Development around a Station.
Well, we can’t change the route of our LRT or Komuter Stations anymore. It would be costly to re-built and re-plan our routes. Therefore, what we can do is to expedite the residential developments that surround a Station. Build a lot of strata property around a station. Do not build landed properties. Let landed properties be built in some other hilly areas or near jungle area. You might complain that a rail line near residential area would disturb the comfortness of the residents. Believe me that having a LRT station near your apartment is more convenient than to change 2 feeder buses to get to the station. The convenience will override the comfortablity. Further, the LRT will not operate at 1-6am during your sleep time.
Provide shades to link to the Station and make it beautiful and colorful. This is a cheap solution to get people to walk to the stations. This will also help us to reduce the obesity problems that most Malaysians have. And, as you are all aware, Malaysia is a tropical country. During daytime, it is very hot and humid, when it rains, it rains heavily and you’ll get wet. Having shades link to the station makes life easier for the commuters. Some MRT Stations in Singapore has shades.
Feeder Bus
We should prepare more feeder buses to serve a particular area. Make it more frequent during rush hours. Like 10 minutes per bus. Rush hour is from 7-9 am and from 6-9 pm.
Stations Waiting Area
Separate the public transportation waiting area and the normal public waiting area. Therefore, bus lining up to fetch or dispatch commuters and the normal friends or relatives or parents who are waiting for their children/spouse/relatives have different waiting area. The public transportation waiting area is nearer to the station compare to the normal public car. Make the waiting area for public transportation ONLY. People who do not use the public transport has to walk farther.
Lets try this and see the difference. I believe we will transform our public transportation system to the most efficient and most profitable public transportation system in the world.
Let’s take a look at the fundamental and technical.
This is what I found.
Stock Price (30.July): 0.58
PE: ~9x EPS: 6 sen
NTA: 0.66
Total Shares: 80,000,000
Cash (based on last Q report): RM 13,295,000 Cash/Share: ~16.6 sen
Short-term Borrowings (Short Term based on last Q report): RM 2,054k, ~2.6 sen
It has cash, little borrowings, trading below its NTA. Lets strip its cash from the price, it is like buying it at 33 sen. SUPER CHEAP!
Let see the Daily & Weekly Chart.


Chart is by ChartNexus
I’ve made a compulsory goal for myself to retire from nine to five working environment by my age of 35. Starting from the age of 36 onwards, I plan to devote myself to GOD as I want to prepare for my afterlife. Besides, I also have to concentrate to raise my kids and educate them to become a successful investor from young age. I also have to educate them to become a good citizen and patriotic to their beloved country.
My other passion in investment is property. As we are all aware, when people become rich, they will park their money in properties. The reason being property is a good shield against inflation. And, by survey also found that high percentage of the world millionaire (& billionaire) built their wealth via property investment. Most people are also aware that property investment needs just a small portion of down-payment (normally & reasonably minimum 10% of the property price, as it is possible to buy a piece of property without any down-payment) to purchase a property. Okay, enough about property investment. I might build another blog on property investment only. We shall wait for that to happen.
The main purpose I make an effort to write my own blog is to learn from other investing community by their feedback and comment to me, and also to educate the public on valuing a stock. On top of that, I would also build up my confidence in stock investment. I realized that majority of retail investor just buying on rumours and unconfirmed future potential. With that, they are actually building castle in the air (if the stock actually rise in price). Since there is no foundation for the castle which was built in the air, the castle will collapse any point in time!
Taking this opportunity, I would like to dedicate this blog to my beloved wife (who’ll mother my kids), to my family members, to my loyal friends and my office colleges.
I hope you’ll enjoy my writings in the future.